Below is a short example of how you can insert CSVs via python:

Installing via Python

You can install Twilix's BlitzChain package in Python running the following pip command:

pip install -U blitzchain

After you have installed, you can insert a CSV running the following:

import csv
import json

def csv_to_json(csv_file):
    # Read the CSV file
    with open(csv_file, 'r') as file:
        csv_data = csv.DictReader(file)
        # Convert CSV data into a list of dictionaries
        data = [row for row in csv_data]

    # Return the JSON data
    return json.dumps(data)

csv_file = 'input.csv'

# Convert CSV to JSON
json_data = csv_to_json(csv_file)

from blitzchain import Client
client = Client("<YOUR_API_KEY>")
collection = client.Collection("csvSample")