Building a PDF Chatbot with Twilix is simple

In this tutorial, we will be using

Using Unstructured

Unstructured is an open-source data-processing pipeline. It provides clean abstractions to partition various types of unstructured data such as PDF, Audio.

To install unstructured, just run:

pip install "unstructured[local-inference]"

You can then parse in a PDF simply by running the following:

from unstructured.partition.pdf import partition_pdf
from unstructured.staging.base import convert_to_dict

# Returns a List[Element] present in the pages of the parsed pdf document
elements = partition_pdf("example-docs/layout-parser-paper-fast.pdf")

# Applies the English and Swedish language pack for ocr. OCR is only applied
# if the text is not available in the PDF.
elements = partition_pdf("example-docs/layout-parser-paper-fast.pdf", ocr_languages="eng+swe")
objects = convert_to_dict(elements)
# Convert everything into a string to make sure it can be indexed properly
for o in objects:
    for k, v in o.items():
        o[k] = str(v)

Ingesting into Twilix

You can then ingest into Twilix using the following:

# You can ingest into Twilix using the following
from blitzchain import Client
client = Client("<YOUR_API_KEY>")
collection = client.Collection("sampleCollection")

Using Twilix for Ingesting PDFs

If you are looking for a hosted solution with more complex chunking, indexing, formatting included solution, I highly recommend using the Insert PDF endpoint.

You can integrate this with BlitzChain (our Python SDK) or explore our API docs. You can get your API key from

We support local PDFs through our frontend - which you can upload on our dashboard.

from blitzchain import Client
client = Client("<YOUR_API_KEY>")
collection = client.Collection("sampleCollection")

Insert PDF

See how you can insert a pdf easily from this endpoint!

If the unstructured solution does not provide great results, I recommend trying us out on Twilix.

Using Twilix for asking questions

You can then ask it generative QA questions using the Twilix

    user_input="Summarize this",

Conversing with PDF

You can easily converse with your PDF by giving it a conversation ID.

from uuid import uuid4
conversation_id = str(uuid4())
    user_input="What is this?",

We automatically store previous conversations for you.

Create a copilot

You can build a copilot to do more complex things based on your data such as integrating with your product to do advanced reasoning tasks or analysis.

    # Ask it any query
    user_input="How do I use this with LangChain?",
    # Use your answer field

If you are interested in further details, we recommend checking out:


Read more about this endpoint and how you can integrate this into a variety of clients such as JS, Go, etc. and how you can test different things out such as re-ranking and fields.

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